The city walls of Halicarnassus are located in Bodrum with the modern name of Halikarnassos

in the south-west of Turkey, the capital of the country of KARYA, whose borders are approximately on the borders of today's Muğla city, with its ancient name, where the Mausoleum, one of the seven wonders of the world, is located and the birthplace of HEREDOTOS, the father of history.

After the death of his father, Hekatomnos, in 377 BC, the satrap of Caria, Maussollos, decided to move the capital of Caria from Mylasa to Halicarnassus.

With this project, Maussollos aimed to build a metropolis that competed not only in terms of urbanization and architecture, also in terms of culture, with Athens.For this purpose, the city was put under defense by being surrounded by 8 km long, 8 mt high fortification walls and 11 m high towers.

For this purpose, the city was placed under defense by being surrounded by 8 km long, 8 m high fortification walls and 11 m high towers.

Halikarnassos City Walls are the most important historical monuments that have survived from ancient Halicarnasos to the present day.

Our project has a significant value for understanding and protecting a 2400 years old humanity heritage, as well as to understand the ancient defense systems that cannot be investigated by excavation due to intensive structuring, and therefore to illuminate the archaeological history of Halicarnassus, which remained in the dark.

In addition to aiming to excavate and protect this historical structure in the center of the city of Bodrum, our Foundation will also make it possible to meet with people by making it an open -air museum with landscaping, walking paths and information plates.

One of the aims of the Walls of Halicarnassos; to raise awareness about the archaeological areas of the people living in this city.

One of our project goals is; It is to build a "Halikarnassos Antique War Museum" around the Myndos gate, where Alexander the Great siege of Halicarnassus.
Our project is carried out with the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Muğla Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, on the  25/08/2020-9741 Cleaning and  Rescue Excavation permision on the  18/11/2020-10135  and  Landscape Arrangement on the 18/06/2021-11098

It is under the control of Bodrum Underwater Archeology Museum. And it is run by the Academia Foundation with the scientific consultancy of Arc. Prof. Adnan Diler.

The clean-up and recovery excavation work for 1.5 km of the western fortification walls and the remains of 10 towers has been completed. For instantly, the landscaping and walking path construction of this part has been completed.

The planning and searching sponsorship for the 2nd stage  are underway.